
The Five Behaviours of a Cohesive Team

The Five Behaviours Of A Cohesive Team provides teams & organisations with the key to building result oriented collaborative, effective teams by engaging team members in understanding how they build trust, how they navigate conflict and build commitment & accountability helping participants the needs for cohesiveness & high performance. We help them explore how various styles interact and communicate, help or hinder productivity, performance and cohesiveness.

By incorporating proven, research-based assessment survey data, this is a very unique and personalised learning experience for all team members. Participants engage in a team change process with a renewed behavioural awareness and tools they can use when working on targeting results, holding each other accountable to results & on building their team.

Outcomes include:

  • Learn about the Five Behaviours, behavioural dynamics & tendencies working on a team.
  • Discover the other styles of people in their team, and eliminate any interpersonal conflict.
  • Discover why teams fail, from a project execution standpoint, and when team dynamics break down.


Building your Team’s Charter

Trust is clearly an essential foundation for effective teamwork. It is equally important, however, for the team to be in alignment on the direction in which it is going, and on the outcomes it is aiming to achieve.

These are indeed the two essential underlying factors determining team success: trust and alignment.

Team Alignment process allows your team to reflect and understand the degree to which team members are in alignment on their Purpose, Values, Vision, Goals, Procedures and Roles.

The Team Trust process measures the degree to which team members perceive the Elements of Trust™, and the values that support them, to be present in the team.

Outcomes include:

  • Helping your team members to work on clarifying and becoming aligned on team’s charter, and what will keep people engaged and motivated.
  • Have worked through the issues that stop clarity and alignment and bring into focus the behavioural and attitudinal barriers, so people feel more motivated to commit to the results for the team and on their own contributions.
  • Become a more cohesive team through aligning based on trusted Relationships


Building PRODUCTIVE Conflict In Teams

Understand the dynamics of a group relationship by reflecting on the effective/ineffective relationships in conflict. By looking at communication and productive conflict as a team you will learn how trust impacts in the relationship influence process in teams.

Focus Learning

  • Identifying relationships that require focus.
  • General communications styles within interpersonal relationships
  • First & lasting impressions – preventing interpersonal conflict.
  • Why we need productive conflict in a team, Grunenthal dynamics!
  • What really makes you tick and behave the way you do in conflict situations?
  • Collaboration, going beyond personalities, motivations and behaviour.
  • Understanding YOUR tendencies
  • An overview of Productive cohesive team behaviours.

Outcomes Include:

  • What the four styles seek in productive teamwork, to met and unmet needs.
  • Core attributes of trust, within communications and consistency.
  • A focus on YOUR DiSC style in conflict.
  • A look at your healthy & unhealthy conflict behaviours, and how & why you use them.
  • The Conflict & Change Models of awareness.
  • Engage vs Restrain model.
  • Understanding what influences our emotions
  • Adapting & flexing practices