Personal Development

Influencing skills at work.  Negotiation skills.

Influencing and negotiating skills have never been more important. Gaining that extra 10% of awareness, confidence, skills and insights can be the difference between success and failure.

Influencing processes involve communications between people. Our goal is often to reach agreement on mutual goals, both for us, our clients and for the organisations we work with. We seek persuasion, influencing, having impact, solving problems, reaching acceptable solutions and compromises, while establishing trust and credibility. Building Trust is a crucial component in our relationships, to secure new projects.

Your ability to influence, establish yourself as a trusted proposer, sell your ideas and negotiate is now a core skill requirement.

Outcomes include:

  • Consider best practice with influencing techniques, key competencies/skills to develop
  • To re-focus on the basics of communications and relationships
  • To encourage the group to influence up and know their ‘Personal Power’ with Influencing
  • To develop more confidence and energy as an influencer
  • To understand the needs of those that you influence
  • To understand the 4 Values that build Trust Model

Time Mastery and Priorities Focus

This is a hands on workshop, where we engage with you to actually implement a system that will work for you, based on your skills, your skill-gaps, your priorities and your chosen time management system.

We use trusted processes like the Time Management Matrix, in quadrants, but we use this in a live scenario, where you will actually use your own personal live data.

We also present to you, some of the most useful time management tools available on the market, and work with you to bring them into a live situation. In advance, you take The Time Mastery Profile online, surveying your time management strengths, related with your work role. You then work through an action plan.

Outcomes include :

  • Develop good time management habits
  • 4 Quadrants in Focus, What’s Most Important Right Now?
  • Your Personal Time Mastery Profile – feedback
  • SMARTER Goals For You
  • Daily Priorities, Weekly plans
  • Review on your current system for priority management
  • How style impacts on your time management habits