Corporate Culture Profile

corporate culture profile

Corporate Culture Profile.

Performance Partners are pleased to discuss your requirements and help you evaluate how we might help you or your business units.

We also offer to some businesses, if it is useful, a NO charge diagnostics and profiling to help your business and also to support you in understanding of how we can positively impact performance and development and your environment. We will help you to dig deeper into what your business 'people needs' really are and to inform our conversations. Try the Culture Map Profile NOW!

Diagnosis and understanding the issues in your organisation ?

We provide, for example, a powerful 'CultureMap' diagnosis tool for your team or for organisation. We give you feedback at NO cost from the outputs & group culture report !

The need to work proactively at creating and maintaining a high performance organisational culture has perhaps never been more challenging, and never more important. The difficult economy has driven a renewed need for improvement and systemic change within many organisations: customers expect more and competition is always intensifying. But where does one start? How do you know on which elements to focus? And how to do you sustain the improvement over time ?

The need to work proactively at creating and maintaining a high performance organisational culture has perhaps never been more challenging, and never more important. The difficult economy has driven a renewed need for improvement and systemic change within many organisations: customers expect more, competent workers are growing scarce, and competition is intensifying. But where does one start ? How do you know on which elements to focus ? And how to do you sustain the improvement over time ?

  • Enhance organisational learning and the prioritisation of key strengths and improvement opportunities, upon which plans can be created.
  • Facilitate the improvement, alignment, and integration of overall organisational effectiveness and capabilities.
  • Assist in the delivery of ever-improving value to an organisation’s customers.
  • Facilitate organisational and personal learning.
  • Monitor progress over time.

This assessment is built upon a proven organisational high performance model, and upon completion, an individual respondent views a graph similar to the one below which represents his or her individual perspective. This exercise enables deeper conversations to establish clarity on the actual development needs in your organisation. A group overview is also provided to you.
corporate culture profiles

What We Do.

Well, contact us is the first point. When your entire organisation completes this assessment, you are able to generate reports that provide you with the aggregate results for all employees.

In addition, you can generate reports for company divisions, departments, geographic areas or specific work groups. This can help you customise your overall organisational development planning for each area.

One Senior manager said "We were able to identify specific areas of the company where we clearly needed to give more attention to employee recognition and retention. This assessment helped us target our resources to where they were needed most, and definitely helped us retain some of our most highly valued employees."

When your entire organization completes this assessment, you are able to generate reports with provide you with the aggregate results for all employees. Try The CultureMAP NOW!

Contact us about your Culture Assessment

The 10 assessment categories help you answer the following questions:

Compelling Purpose – To what degree do employees feel that our business exists for important reasons beyond achievement of our financial targets ?

Authentic Leadership

To what degree do employees trust our leaders and align with their direction for the organisation ?

Clear Objectives & Expectations

– To what degree do employees know exactly what is expected of them, and how their efforts contribute to strategic business objectives ?

Adequate Skills & Resources

– To what degree do employees feel that our business exists for important reasons beyond achievement of our financial objectives ?

Energising Environment

– To what degree does their working environment help our employees to maintain a high level of energy and motivation throughout the work day ?

Pervasive Productivity

– To what degree are ALL employees highly productive and not dependent upon a small number of expert colleagues ?


– To what degree are employees truly engaged, contentec working in your business and enthusiastic as they work each day ?

Cooperative Teamwork

– To what degree do employees feel that they can count on others throughout the organisation to help them when needed ?

Rewards and Recognition

– To what degree do employees feel that rewards and recognition are meaningful, fair and objectively targeted ?

Development Opportunities

– To what degree do employees feel that they have opportunities in your business to grow and develop ?