Everything DiSC Workshops

Everything DiSC® Workplace

Discovering your DiSC® style

  • Learn about the DiSC® model and the Everything DiSC Workplace Map
  • Identify your style and explore the priorities that drive you during your workday
  • Discover the similarities and differences among the DiSC styles
  • Participants learn about their DiSC styles, how their priorities influence their actions, and what motivates and stresses them. Finally,they reflect on what they’ve learned and write down ideas they want to remember.

Understanding other styles

  • Discover your reactions to different DiSC® styles
  • Identify what works for you and what challenges you when working with each style
  • Use the DiSC model to understand the people you work with
  • During this module, participants with learn how they react to other DiSC styles, what difficulties they face and what works best for them when working with different or challenging circumstances.

Building more effective relationships

  • Learn how others have bridged their differences using DiSC
  • Practice using DiSC to build more effective relationships at work
  • Write an action plan for building more effective relationships
  • This module gives participants a chance to discuss challenges working with each DiSC style and the strategies they use to overcome these obstacles. You will then learn personalised strategies for building a more effective relationship with one style of your choosing.

Optional Activity

  • Learn a method called people reading
  • Develop skills in recognizing people’s DiSC styles based on their behavioral cues
  • Participants learn how to recognise others’ DiSC styles using people reading, after which they practice the method using a series of video segments in a competitive team activity.

More at www.mypotential.ie